Da Rules

Although this is a "Poker Run" it is not a race. There are no prizes for speed. It does not matter who is first to complete the course. It is not a race.

The winning hand is determined by Standard Poker Hand Rankings. We will be using 5 cards and no wild cards.

One playing card is drawn per checkpoint. NO Picking Duplicates. If you pick the same card that you picked at a previous checkpoint, you will have to re-draw.

One Score card per person.

In case of a tie, there will be a high card draw between the winners. (Aces are high) If there is high card draw tie, then the process will be repeated till we have just one winner.


How it works:
Arrive at check point
Hand your scorecard to the dealer
Pick a playing card from the dealer
Show dealer you playing card
The dealer will then stamp your score card
Return playing card to dealer
Repeat process at next check point.