MINIs ON The Dragon

This site is set up in two sections: The general information section which has the vertical navigation bar to the far left and then the 2025 MOTD specific information which can be accessed by visiting the MOTD 2025 logo on the left.
MOTD 2025 - April 30th - May 4th
Registration Will Open January 17th 2024 - 9:00am (EST)
Day Drives will open on February 15th 2024 - 9:00am (EST)

Registration Closes on April 13th

Welcome to MINIs on the Dragon. This site is dedicated to the breathtaking Mountains of North Carolina, the Dragon and the MINI Community. Our goal is to provide as much info available on the area to make your visit the best possible. Whether it's for our annual MOTD event or any other time of year. Please consider this your site too and let us know what you would like to see on it. .........................................Thanks, Xiek, Leon, Colin, & Corey

So many of us have been attending MOTD for so long now that it is part of our lives (We have all said: We need to reschedule …, that’s MOTD week), and things have become second nature. Everyone has different experiences whether you travel solo, as a couple, or with a group of friends and this is where we share all that combined knowledge with others so they can let MOTD become a part of their life as so many MINIacs have.

We were all newbies once, and the anticipation of your first MOTD is exciting and can be a bit overwhelming. You have so many questions about the area, what to bring, places to stay, or what to do when you get here. So, over the years this site has consolidate as much info about the Dragon and the event as possible. If you have something you think other should know please feel free to email us with your ideas.

What Is "MINIs on the Dragon"?

Barry, who will always BE MOTD to so many of us sums it up the best.

Well, I've learned that the "MINIs on the Dragon" is many things to many people. For me, it's kinda like a concert. Sure if I want to listen to my favorite group I'll choose an acoustically designed room with a great stereo system. But if that group comes to concert, I'm there, not because of the quality of the music, but for the atmosphere and camaraderie. The event itself now takes on more meaning than the music.

Yes, MOTD started out as an get together to drive 11-mile stretch of road with 318 curves aka the Tail of the Dragon. That in itself is more than enough reason to travel to the breath taking mountains of North Carolina. But in the first weekend of May each year, it has evolved into much more than that. Just like our beloved MINI's have evolved into more than just a car to us. So you take the 11-mile stretch of road, then you toss in the mountains, country roads and waterfalls. Now add 600 to 1000 fellow MINIacs and it takes on a whole new meaning. Wake up each morning and see hundreds of Mini's each day, attend dinners and events, go on group drives, or just gather and drool over each other's mods. Get a chance to put a face to a screen name, see some old friends and make some new ones.

MINI Club Links

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